Frequently Asked Questions

The following section aims to help answer common questions and offer helpful tips to users.

How are the trips created?
Each trip is made up of photos uploaded to your trip. The GPS location of each photo is automatically extracted from the photo if available, and each GPS coordinate is a point in each trip. If the GPS location is not available for a photo, then you may enter one manually before uploading.

Why don't my photos have locations?
iPhones store GPS location data in photos taken only if Location Services are granted to the Camera app. You can turn this on in Settings > Location Services > Camera.

Are my trips viewable by other people?
There are a couple privacy settings available to change who can see your trips. You may set your entire account to "Private", which means people must request to follow you before they are able to view your trips. You are also able to designate specific trips as "Private", which nobody can see except for the the owner(s) of the trip.

How do I change the style of the map?
Premium users can customize the style of each map, for each trip. Head to the detail view for a trip (where you can see the map) and press the gear icon. Press "Change map style", choose a style, and press save.

How do I share a map?
Maps can be shared as static images for now. Adjust the map to show what you would to share, then press the share icon in the top right corner. Both the map and the current selected photo will be shared.

How do I recieve notifications for when someone updates their trip?
You can "Follow" other peoples' trips by navigating to the trips albums and pressing the "Follow" button along the bottom of the album. This will push a notification whenever they add a new photo. You can unfollow a trip by then pressing the settings icon and pressing "Unfollow".

What is the Master Web?
The Master Web is a customizable, grand map that shows all of your travels cobbled together at one time. In the future users will be able to explore the world by searching on this map as well.

What are Base Locations?
Base Locations are an optional point on your Master Web that will connect to all (or some, if you so choose) of your trips. It helps to show where you came from so that you can see how far you've gone. You can create one by clicking the tent icon on the Master Web and adding a location. New trips will then connect to that location by default.

Why are uploads limited to 5 or 15 (for upgraded users) at a time?
Uploads are limited to smaller batches so that there is not a very long wait time to get them successfully transferred to the servers and to reduce confusion that may occur from long wait times. Upgraded users may upload more photos at once because they are paying for the space used by significantly more photos per trip.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions for the FAQ, do not hesitate to contact me at